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...we make visible the invisible

We are convinced that optics and photonic technology are decisive for the 21st century.

For us, the central point is the benefit for people. With the help of optical technologies, for instance, accidents can be avoided, diseases diagnosed early, data communicated at high bandwidths, and biological manipulations made visible.

Our goal is the further development and deployment of these technologies. Our vision is to find and define new areas of application.

Calculation by computer not only helps to improve existing systems, but also helps test the feasibility of new systems.

We offer projects for firms with an outlook to the future. According to each client’s needs, with experts from related fields we work together to the goal.

In the future we want to be at the top of our field. The road lies ahead—we’re just off the blocks.

CD Grating Fine structures can, for instance, be used for data backup and security records Zemax
Only with calculations that incorporate all the important factors can complex systems be built.
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